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Help End The Stigma Surrounding Periods

It is important for people everywhere to know that periods do not make women “unclean” or unfit to do the same activities their male counterparts do. The more female menstruation is brought up and talked about candidly, the less taboo it will become. We’d like to start by initiating conversations & providing education.

Common Myths From Around The World

In Bangladesh many people believe that used menstrual cloths will attract evil spirits unless they are buried. Girls on their period are also not allowed to go near food or into gardens.

In Sierra Leone some people believe that sanitary products make people sterile.
In some places in India girls are not allowed to cook/enter the kitchen while they are on their periods because people believe it will make the food go bad.
In Burundi many women are not allowed to bathe near any shared utensils because people believe menstrual blood can kill family members.
In Tanzania some people believe that if others see the menstrual cloth of a woman, then the woman will be cursed.